
You’re well on your way to joining the hundreds of other highly motivated individuals that the Long Beach Township Beach Patrol has employed.

Each year nearly two hundred lifeguards protect our twelve miles of ocean beach (55 guarded beaches) and nearly one hundred beach badge checkers walk those same beaches, collecting the season’s beach-use fees. As one of the nations largest beach patrols, LBTBP sets rigorous standards that exceed the requirements set by the New Jersey State Department of Health for ocean lifeguards.

LBTBP offers competitive pay, an extensive competition program and training in American Red Cross Emergency Medical Response, which includes CPR For the Professional Rescuer, AED (Automated External Defibrillation), AEO (Administering Emergency Oxygen), and PDT (Preventing Disease Transmission), through our staff of certified instructors. There are age requirements of minimally sixteen years old to lifeguard or fourteen years of age to badge check.

In addition, as you gain experience you’ll have the opportunity to advance to higher pay steps, officer positions or participating in our Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB), Personal Water Craft (PWC) Rescue Team, or Lifeguard in Training (LIT) programs.

All you need to get started is the same underlying passion that attracts people from all over the world to LBTBP!


First, fill out and return the application and course registration form. Please mark lower left hand corner of envelope “Lifeguard Application”. Applications are due by Monday, April 1st, for Officers and all other prospective Lifeguards. Any applications received after this date will be considered “Late” and will be marked accordingly.  Application submission, swim test times, background checks, interviews, etc. will be used to determine whom is offered a position. Do not wait until the last minute to complete your application requirements and pass your swim test!

2024 Orientation Meeting/No Tolerance Seminar is mandatory attendance for all Lifeguards and Beach Badge Checkers.  You will not be permitted to work until you attend the seminar.

2025 Lifeguard Application Packet <– Click link to download

Attention:  Applicants 18 years of age or older:

Continuing in 2024 is the process of completing the Background Investigation. The directions will be forwarded to you after your phone interview.   

Medical Certifications

You are required to re-certify your CPR/AED/AEO/PDT each year and Emergency Medical Response every two years.  If you have a current American Red Cross CPR/AED/AEO/PDT certification from an outside source you must submit a copy (AHA, NSC, ECSI, etc. are not accepted) and it must be current through the end of September 2024!  If your certification card does not meet these requirements you must sign up for and complete an American Red Cross CPR/AED/AEO/PDT course through LBTBP before you will be allowed to begin work on the beach.  To participate in our CPR class, you must download the ARC CPR For the Professional Rescuer Handbook below (Part 1 & Part 2).

Emergency Medical Response is a comprehensive first aid course. This certification is required of all LBTBP lifeguards and is good for 2 years. (The first day of this course will be CPR/AED/AEO/PDT, therefore you do not need to sign up for a separate CPR course). In order to accommodate those still in school at the beginning of the season, both weekend and weekday courses will be offered. Emergency Medical Response courses are 4 days in length.

Course fee is $45.00 for CPR only or $95.00 for EMR (EMR course includes CPR at no additional charge), payable to “LBTBP ARC Cert. Acct.” (check or money order) to be submitted with course registration, no exceptions.  

2025 Course Dates

2025 Competition Calendar – to be uploaded soon